
  • An individual 1-hour appointment is $180 in person or by telehealth.

    Upon request, a sliding scale is available for ongoing clients to reciprocate a practice that is accessible, equitable and sustainable.

  • Both couple and family work require an initial intake and assessment which is $260.

    Thereafter it is $220 per couple/family session for up to 90 minutes.

Do you provide Medicare Rebates or accept private health?

I do not accept private health insurance, provide Medicare rebates or NDIS at this time. My fees account for rebates that would otherwise be applied. The recommended fee for psychologists (according to APS, 2024) is $311/session, for social workers (according to AASW, 2024) is $270/session. I charge below these rates.

Start today and call 4307 5995 or email to book in a free 15-minute welcome chat.